Transformation Tuesday: Andrew Lost 34 Pounds with 21 Day Fix!

Transformation Tuesday: Andrew Lost 34 Pounds with 21 Day Fix!

Andrew P. had been in 3 major car accidents, each resulting in new injuries that were keeping him from living life to the fullest. He wanted a way to get his energy and health back, so he decided to try 21 Day Fix with his wife. He lost 34 pounds and 21 inches in 6 consecutive rounds! Read his amazing journey in his own words below:

In the past 30 years, I’ve been in 3 car accidents, each that should have ended my life. I’ve had surgeries on my back, ankle, and nose. My pelvis was broken in 3 places, causing me to use a walker for several months as I learned to walk again. I also split my liver and have had two knee surgeries. Prior to starting 21 Day Fix, I was told that I would need a knee replacement in the future. 

I never wanted to be one of those guys that sat around telling stories about the past and how good things used to be. I wanted to continue making memories. But with each injury, a little more energy was taken from me. I was turning 50 this year whether I wanted to or not. I had finally come to a point in my life where enough was enough! I had stood by and watched my health decline over the years. I had also tried several different exercise and diet routines, in the midst of the bumps in the road, trying to fight my way back to being in better shape and in better health. Nothing really worked. My daughter was doing the 21 Day Fix program, and my wife started it as well. Being a good husband who wanted to encourage her, I agreed to try as well, not expecting much. I really wanted results, but wasn’t expecting any. 

The workouts themselves were not difficult. They were the same types of exercises that I had done at different times of my life but were presented in a way that was easy for me to wrap my head around. The fact that they were constantly changing and short in duration kept my interest and allowed me to push harder through each one. The greatest asset was Autumn’s encouragement and nutrition plan, spelling out the importance of eating the right food. Shakeology also helped to take care of my cravings. I was able to modify my workouts to protect my knee, shoulders, elbow, and hips. 

My favorite part of 21 Day Fix was how easy it was to follow. From the exercises to the workouts, it took all of the thinking out of the process, and I was able to just do the program. I never felt like I was being deprived of anything or that I was hungry. However, the physical results were only one of my problems - the mental determination to keep going and get past my excuses was huge as well. With each round completed and each pound lost, I was finally able to put the depression I’d been struggling with behind me. I honestly feel 10 – 15 years younger than when I started. 

This is not something that I intend on stopping. I wanted my life back. I wanted to be healthy and look good for my wife and to be around to see my kids and grandkids grow up. As a result, I’m rarely sick and I have more energy. My life has become full again. Not just with memories, but also new activities.

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.