“My Energy Levels are Sky High”

“My Energy Levels are Sky High”

Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Jamil is an independent Beachbody Coach.

Meet Jamil M. He lost 11 lbs in 90 days with INSANITY MAX:30. He entered his results into The Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for July 18th!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I was working out regularly, but I had reached a plateau with no gains. I wanted to tone up and feel more energetic. And I wanted this year to be different, so I set a goal to change and perform something extreme, something I have not tried before!

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
A need to change my plateaued status quo. I wanted more definition. I wanted the real Beachbody!

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
My greatest challenge was committing to a mostly cardio workout for 8 weeks when I love to lift some weights. I knew that with Shaun T, I can get there, and I did! I even continued for another 4 weeks to see even better gains. His workout is just brilliant! It gave a whole new meaning to cardio, and I will integrate this workout evenly if not mostly to all my other workouts in the future.

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
It is effective, concise, and short! I am drenched in sweat in 30 minutes like I have never been with any other program. With my line of work where I am busy in the hospital, it is easy to set it up in my call room, workout for 30 minutes and then get back to work!

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I have lost all my unwanted fat. I am now 43, and I can perform over average in any sports thrown at me. My energy levels are sky high, and I feel and look great!

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
I feel healthier overall. I feel lighter. I feel younger. I feel stronger. I am a better athlete today than I ever was in my teenage years, 20’s and even 30’s. I know what diet and healthy food I need to eat and what to look for in a grocery store. I am mindful of my eating habits, and I am able to Coach others about working out in a proper way and eating healthy, Most importantly I value the need for a support group to help you in your transformation journey. Without the help of my peers and colleagues in Beachbody, I would not have reached where I am right now.

How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?

The challenge group kept me accountable. Posting every day with a group of like-minded people helped ease the tension, frustration, and disappointments that come with working out and not seeing results initially. It helped me to push forward and not give up as I related to the struggles of others going through their journeys.

How did your Team Beachbody® Coach support you on your journey?
John was supportive throughout my journey. He gave me excellent advice on personal development and discipline. He pushed me when I felt down and encouraged me with his positive attitude and fearless leadership. He was there for me whenever I needed him and I owe much of my success to him.

How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program (such as Shakeology® or Beachbody Ultimate Reset®) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, digestion/regularity?
When I started taking Shakeology, my life took another level. My energy has been through the roof. My healthy eating also helped tremendously. My sleep habits improved and even if I got 3 or 4 hours of sleep because of a busy call night, I would still wake up energized and ready to roll! My colleagues at work even noticed my energy levels and my mood had become more cheerful and accepting while before I was always tired and irritable.2

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.

2These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.