Fitspiration Friday: I Used to Worry About the Number on the Scale

Fitspiration Friday: I Used to Worry About the Number on the Scale

Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Ron is an independent Beachbody Coach.

If you’ve tried a Beachbody program, you’ve probably had a goal in mind that you wanted to achieve. But, along the way, no matter what your goal, everyone needs a little inspiration. Every other Friday, the Beachbody Success Stories team will be sharing inspirational fitness stories from some of the folks who have done Beachbody programs. Maybe one will inspire you. This week, we introduce you to Ron H.
Ron started his Beachbody journey back in 2012 with P90X. Day 1 Weight: 164 pounds.

With 90 days of P90X, he transformed his body and his life, losing 30 pounds and shredding his physique. After maintaining that for a while, he decided it was time to bulk up and did so with the help of Body Beast. End weight? 164 pounds.

“I got started with Beachbody because I was looking for a way to lose weight and just become a little healthier. My doctor expressed concern about my blood pressure and he saw [type II] diabetes as a possibility in my future if I didn’t make a change. At only 32 years old, that really caught my attention. It was enough to scare me into making the change I needed to make. I knew I was out of shape on the outside, but didn’t know how bad I was in the inside. At that time, I already owned P90X, but had never lasted more than 3 weeks with the program. After seeing my doctor, I joined a Challenge Group and for the first time, completed the full 90 days and stuck with clean eating. 

The results I got blew my mind. I was in the best shape of my life. I then tried P90X2 and did INSANITY: THE ASYLUM to prepare myself for a 12-mile Tough Mudder obstacle course.

But it wasn’t until doing Body Beast (and using the Body Beast supplements) that I felt like I bulked up. I kept doing Body Beast again and again, and eventually was back at the weight I was when I found Beachbody. But I looked totally different than I used to.

I told myself I would never gain back the weight I lost when I did P90X, but I was wrong and it’s OK. I’m a totally different person from the guy that was 164 pounds with 21% body fat. Instead, I am a 164-pound, 10%-body fat Beast!

I used to worry about the number on the scale. Now, I know it’s just a number and it’s all about how I look and feel. Remember: Results aren’t always measured by the numbers on the scale. When it comes to health and fitness, there are more ways than one to count your victories.”