Body Beast Results: We Lost Weight and Gained Strength!

Body Beast Results: We Lost Weight and Gained Strength!

Body Beast has the power to get you a ripped physique in 90 days, but to these amazing parents, it also has the power to strengthen a family. Sonya and Jason T. did Body Beast together so they could be in shape to easily lift and care for their disabled son. The transformation didn’t stop there. They quit smoking, got rid of alcohol and unhealthy foods and have completely set their family of 6 on the right track for a long and healthy life. Combined they have shed over 28 lbs of fat and continue to get stronger everyday! Below you can read Jason and Sonya’s stories in their own words and check out their testimonial video on how their life has changed for the better!

“Before deciding to start this Body Beast, I was a very unhealthy and unhappy person! I was a heavy smoker and drinker and had suffered from severe depression and PTSD most of my life. My health was the biggest problem of all. I had been through 9 surgeries in the past 8 years as well as recently been diagnosed with a rare and incurable brain disease that mimics a brain tumor. My doctor told me that the only way I would go into remission from it is to lose weight and be active. If I didn’t do those things, I could have permanently lost my vision at any moment. Out of my 4 kids, my youngest is physically disabled. He is 8 years old and at the developmental level of a 6-9 month old infant. He requires my husband and I to take care of all of his basic needs such as lifting him, positioning him, changing him and feeding him through a feeding pump.” — Sonya T.

BST BB Blog Jason T

“I was a man who was leading my family down a miserable road of excuses and pure laziness. I had been a smoker for the last 19 years and on the road to becoming an alcoholic. My misery and failure to see the joy in life led me to be contagious towards my wife and kids, pulling them into my slumber.”  — Jason T.


What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?

S: The thought of me losing my vision and not being able to care for my son and other children was absolutely terrifying! I knew I had to do something, but I didn’t know what! I had tried everything under the sun from cutting back to 800 calories a day to HCG drops, to two hours of cardio six days a week on under 1,000 calories! I was gaining weight! I got fed up and gave up! Soon after though, my husband stumbled upon a picture of an old high school friend who had just done Body Beast.

J: I was on the bus going to work one day and I came across a picture of a friend I once played baseball with through a Facebook friend search. I recognized the name right away and said to myself, “Hey I know that guy!” I then had to look closer at his picture as it was his before and after pics. He looked just like me as far as letting his bad habits get the best of him. From there I had to know what he did to turn it around, and he sent me links to the same programs he was doing and helped me follow the same path he took! I couldn’t afford not to take advantage of this life changing opportunity, a real game changer! I had my ‘I’ve had it’ moment and made the choice to commit that day!


What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?

S: My biggest challenge was giving up the pack a day of cigarettes and the frequent nights of drinking to escape the stresses of the day. I did it though! I quit all of my bad habits cold turkey! Cigarettes, alcohol, fast food, my pot of coffee every morning, We threw out all of our unhealthy food and restocked our pantry and fridge with healthy food…If we were going to do this, we were going to do it right this time! It was very hard to do these things all at once, but our kids and my eyesight were far more important than any of those things and we had to keep telling ourselves this every single day, several times a day for weeks!

J: This was not the hard part…it was the meal prep and holding each other accountable and the fear of spending a lot of money for clean eating. We both knew that it would not be cheap to live a healthy lifestyle, so we changed our philosophy and told ourselves that the amount of money we would have spent on beer and cigarettes will go towards Shakeology and the challenge pack.


Why did you choose this particular program?

J: I found it crucial that I do the same program that my friend did so that I could achieve the same results. I was happy to know that I could get results without cardio based program that looked intimidating and force me to give up in the first week.

S: I chose Body Beast because I decided to do it along side my husband. I didn’t want either of us to have to climb this mountain alone, and we make a pretty great team of holding each other accountable and pushing each other to our fullest potential! I will admit that I was a little intimidated about weight lifting at first, but I did a lot of research and discovered that lifting has incredible benefits for women! I am not a big fan of fast paced cardio, so this really was right up my alley! I loved this program the whole way through and plan to incorporate it into my life for the long haul!


Describe the results you achieved with Body Beast. Which achievements are you proud of?

S: In the 90 days that I did Body Beast‘s Lean Beast, I lost about 13.5 total inches and 13.3% of my body fat! I am still floored by these results! I never would have imagined I could lose so much when I first started this! I started out with four pounds, five pounds and 10 pound dumbbells and am now up to 20 pounds on most things and even 35 pounds on a few other moves! I am proud that I can now lift my son without worrying about throwing my back out every time!

J: I am proud of every result I achieved with this program! I have accomplished many of the goals set in place at the beginning of this challenge, & exceeded a few too! I have 6 pack abs when I’m not full of water, and I feel like a hard body, instead of a Pillsbury dough boy!


How has your life changed since completing your Body Beast?

S: I see the world so much differently now! I am more positive and likable. I sleep well at night and I am a much better mother, wife, daughter and friend. I make the most of each day and have so much more energy! I actually became a Beachbody coach recently because I want to be able to help people the way this program has helped me!

J: I am now a coach and changed my life in every area in which I was failing! I have a different view on life & am truly grateful and thankful for Beachbody! I thank you and my family thanks you!

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.